Kennedy, Anthony

Kennedy, Anthony

▪ United States jurist
in full  Anthony McLeod Kennedy 
born July 23, 1936, Sacramento, California, U.S.

      associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1988.

      Kennedy received a bachelor's degree from Stanford University in 1958 and a law degree from Harvard University in 1961. He was admitted to the bar in 1962 and subsequently practiced law in San Francisco and Sacramento, California. In 1965 he was appointed professor of constitutional law at the University of the Pacific's McGeorge School of Law, where he taught until 1988. In 1975 Kennedy was appointed by President Gerald R. Ford (Ford, Gerald R.) to the U.S. Court of Appeals (United States Court of Appeals) for the Ninth Circuit, and in that capacity he established himself as a distinguished candidate to fill the vacant seat on the U.S. Supreme Court created by the retirement of Justice Lewis Powell (Powell, Lewis F., Jr.) in 1987. Instead, President Ronald Reagan (Reagan, Ronald W.) nominated Robert H. Bork, whose outspoken demeanour and sharply conservative views on constitutional law and social policy led to his rejection by the Senate. The quieter Kennedy was eventually nominated and was unanimously confirmed.

      Early in his tenure, Kennedy proved to be markedly conservative. In his first term, he voted with Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist (Rehnquist, William) and Justice Antonin Scalia (Scalia, Antonin), two of the court's most conservative members, more than 90 percent of the time. With Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (O'Connor, Sandra Day), Kennedy contributed critical votes that led to winning conservative majorities in cases limiting congressional authority under the commerce clause of the Constitution of the United States (Constitution of the United States of America) and striking down portions of gun-control legislation. In subsequent years, however, his decisions were more independent. Parting ways with his conservative colleagues, Kennedy rejected congressional term limits. In 1992 he coauthored (with O'Connor and Justice David Souter (Souter, David Hackett)) the court's majority opinion in Casey (Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey), which held that legal restrictions on access to abortion must not constitute an “undue burden” on a woman's exercise of her right to abortion as established in Wade (Roe v. Wade) (1973).

      Kennedy's episodic departure from conservative jurisprudence reflected a civil-libertarian perspective on certain individual rights. For example, although he was generally deferential to the government on criminal law and related matters, he voted, along with Scalia and the court's liberals, to declare unconstitutional a Texas law that prohibited the desecration of the American flag, on the grounds that the Constitution protects such acts as symbolic speech. He also wrote the court's decision in Romer, Governor of Colorado v. Evans (1996), which voided an amendment to the Colorado state constitution that prohibited laws barring discrimination against homosexuals, and in Lawrence v. Texas (2003), which declared unconstitutional Texas's law criminalizing sodomy between two consenting adults of the same sex.

Brian P. Smentkowski

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Universalium. 2010.

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