

also spelled  Kabylia,  

      mountainous coastal region in northern Algeria, between Algiers and Skikda. It comprises: (1) the Great Kabylie (Grande Kabylie) or Djurdjura Mountains bounded on the west by the Isser River and on the southeast by the Wadi Soummam; (2) the Little Kabylie (Petite Kabylie, or Kabylie des Babors) around the Gulf of Bejaïa (Bougie); and (3) the Collo Kabylie (Kabylie de Collo) forming the hinterland of Cape Bougarʿoun. The Kabylie is joined to the Tell Atlas on the west by the Bou Zegza Mountains.

      The Great Kabylie is separated from the coastal hills by the Wadi Sebaou valley, through which runs the Algiers-Bejaïa road, and rises southward in a serrated chain of two lines of crests extending east-west for about 25 miles (40 km). The main peaks are Lalla Khedidja (7,572 feet [2,308 m]), Akouker (7,562 feet), and Heïdzer (7,100 feet). The mountains are well watered, with an annual rainfall of 40–60 inches (1,000–1,500 mm) and snow throughout the winter. They embrace Djurdjura National Park (71 square miles [185 square km]) and Akfadou Natural Reserve containing wild boar, hyenas, wildcats, monkeys, and cedar and conifer forests. Natural woodland is much reduced, and the landscape is harsh: bare, scree-girt ridges scored by the deep gorges of swirling streams offer sparse seasonal pasturage for the nomadic flocks. Population densities, however, are high, with overcrowded villages clustered on ridges of the eastern slopes and in the Sebaou and Soummam valleys. Subsistence cultivation is carried out on minutely subdivided plots beneath the trees. Poverty is widespread, and emigration throughout Algeria and to France is traditional. Tizi Ouzou, a railhead 55 miles east of Algiers, is the chief town. The Great Kabylie area is known for its handicrafts—basketry and wood carving from Djama-n-Saharidj and cabinetry, cutlery, and jewelry from Beni Yenni.

      The Little Kabylie stretches in steep cliffs close to the sea around the Gulf of Bejaïa. Traversed by the road south from Bejaïa to Sétif through the deep, 5-mile-long Chabet el-Akra (“Gorge of Death”), the Babors Massif rises to its highest peaks in Mount Babor (6,575 feet) and Mount Ta Babor (6,430 feet). The range is forested and supports the only occurrence of Algerian fir (Abies numidica) in North Africa. Thinly populated, the area is poorly served by communications. Scattered mineral deposits and springs occur, and there are fruit plantations in the valleys. Several hydroelectric power stations have been built, the largest, the d'Irhil Emda Dam (1954), on the Wadi Agrioun near Sétif. The chief centre is Aïn el-Kebira (Perigotville), 58 miles southeast of Bejaïa.

      The Collo Kabylie extends from Jijel to Skikda and reaches its highest point at Mount El-Goûfi (3,881 feet). The chain is cut by deep, steep river gorges, including that of the Rhumel (El-Kebîr) River. Oak forests with tangled undergrowth have limited population; most settlements are composed of temporary dwellings and tents with minimal agricultural production. The region's economic mainstay is cork, which is shipped from Collo.

      In the Kabylie (from the Arabic qabīlah, “tribe”), and especially in the Great Kabylie, the Berber people and their culture have survived in purest form. The mountain strongholds were never fully subdued by the Romans, Arabs, or Turks, and they offered fierce resistance to the French in the 1850s. Fort National (now L'Arbaa Naït Irathen) was founded in 1857 to control the area. The last Berber uprising was quelled in 1870–71, allowing French farmers to colonize the area.

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Universalium. 2010.

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