Joubert, Barthélemy-Catherine

Joubert, Barthélemy-Catherine

▪ French general
born April 14, 1769, Pont-de-Vaux, Fr.
died Aug. 15, 1799, Novi Ligure, Italy

      French general during the Revolutionary era.

      Joubert, son of an advocate, ran away from school in 1784 to enlist in the artillery but was brought back and sent to study law at Lyon and Dijon. In 1791 he joined the volunteers of the Ain and fought with the French army in Italy in 1793. By the end of 1796 he was a general of division. He was in charge of the retaining force at the battle of Rivoli, and in the campaign of 1797 (invasion of Austria) he commanded the detached left wing of Napoleon Bonaparte's army in Tirol and fought his way through the mountains to rejoin his chief in Styria. He held various commands in Holland, on the Rhine, and in Italy, where up to January 1799 he was commander in chief. Resigning the post in consequence of a dispute with the civil authorities, Joubert returned to France. He was almost immediately summoned to take over the command in Italy from General Victor Moreau; but he persuaded his predecessor to remain at the front and was largely guided by his advice. The odds against the French troops in the disastrous campaign of 1799 were too great. Joubert and Moreau were compelled to give battle by the Russian commander A.V. Suvorov, and Joubert fell at the Battle of Novi, which was a victory for the Austrians and Russians.

      Joubert died before it could be determined whether his genius was of the first rank, but he was marked out as a future great captain by Napoleon, and his countrymen associated him with the French Revolutionary generals Lazare Hoche and F.-S. Marceau as a great leader.

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