Hortensius Hortalus, Quintus

Hortensius Hortalus, Quintus

▪ Roman orator
born 114 BC
died 50 BC

      Roman orator and politician, Cicero's opponent in the Verres trial. Delivering his first speech at age 19, Hortensius became a distinguished advocate. He was leader of the bar until his clash with Cicero while defending the corrupt governor Verres (70) cost him his supremacy. He became consul in 69 and later collaborated harmoniously with Cicero in a number of trials, in which Cicero always spoke in the prestigious last position. Hortensius's talents proved useful to the conservative senatorial aristocracy. He gradually withdrew from politics and devoted himself to gourmet cuisine, having a particular fondness for lampreys from his ponds.

      Of Hortensius's speeches published in his time, virtually no fragments remain, although the subjects of 28 are known. Evidently his oratory was of the “Asianic” style, florid and exuberant, and his gestures accounted for much of the force of his rhetoric, although shameless bribery helped secure his many victories.

      Hortensius wrote Annales, an epic on the Social War (90–88); a treatise on rhetoric; and love poems. He is praised in Cicero's Brutus (a history of Roman oratory), is a character in the first edition of Cicero's Academica, and is the main speaker in Cicero's lost masterpiece, Hortensius, an invitation to the philosophical life that later inspired St. Augustine of Hippo.

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Universalium. 2010.

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