Holstein Interglacial Stage

Holstein Interglacial Stage

      major division of Pleistocene deposits and time in Europe (the Pleistocene Epoch began about 1,600,000 years ago and ended about 10,000 years ago). The Holstein Interglacial followed the Elsterian Glacial Stage and preceded the Saale Glacial Stage. The Holstein Interglacial is correlated with the Hoxne Interglacial Stage of Britain and the Mindel-Riss Interglacial Stage of classical Alpine usage in Europe. It is also considered to be approximately contemporaneous with the Yarmouth Interglacial of North America.

      In much of northern Europe, the Holstein is represented by marine and lake sediments; the stage itself was named for the region of Germany in which these deposits are well represented. During the Holstein Interglacial, the waters that resulted from the melting of the vast continental ice sheets of the previous glacial period increased sea levels and much of the lowlands were inundated. Studies of fossil mollusks and pollen indicate that climate conditions prevailing then were similar to those of today.

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