Harsanyi, John C.

Harsanyi, John C.

▪ American economist
in full  John Charles Harsanyi 
born May 29, 1920, Budapest, Hung.
died Aug. 9, 2000, Berkeley, Calif., U.S.

      Hungarian-American economist who shared the 1994 Nobel Prize for Economics with John F. Nash (Nash, John F., Jr.) and Reinhard Selten (Selten, Reinhard) for helping to develop game theory, a branch of mathematics that attempts to analyze situations involving conflicting interests and to formulate appropriate choices and behaviours for the competitors involved.

      Of Jewish descent, Harsanyi narrowly escaped deportation to a forced-labour unit during World War II. After the war he received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Budapest (1947), where he later taught sociology. An opponent of the country's communist government, Harsanyi fled to Austria in 1950 and later that year immigrated to Australia. He attended Sydney University (M.A., 1953), studying economics, and then immigrated to the United States, where he attended Stanford University (Ph.D., 1959). From 1964 he was a professor at the Haas School of Business of the University of California, Berkeley.

      Harsanyi built on the work of Nash (Nash, John F., Jr.), who had established the mathematical principles of game theory. He enhanced Nash's equilibrium model by introducing the predictability of rivals' action based on the chance that they would choose one move or countermove over another. Harsanyi was also an ethics scholar who conducted formal investigations on appropriate behaviour and correct social choices among competitors.

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Universalium. 2010.

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