Hardey, Mother Mary Aloysia

Hardey, Mother Mary Aloysia

▪ Roman Catholic nun
original name  Mary Ann Hardey 
born Dec. 8, 1809, Piscataway, Md., U.S.
died June 17, 1886, Paris, France

      American religious leader who expanded the presence of the Society of the Sacred Heart (Sacred Heart, Society of the), a Roman Catholic educational order, in the United States.

      Hardey attended the school conducted by the Society of the Sacred Heart (lately introduced into America by Mother Philippine Duchesne) at Grand Coteau, Louisiana, in 1822–24, and in September 1825 she entered the novitiate there. Sent to the order's new convent at St. Michael's, Louisiana, Sister Aloysia took her final vows in July 1833. By that time she already had charge of the girls' school at St. Michael's, and in 1836, at age 26, she was named superior of St. Michael's. In 1841 she was directed to establish the order's first convent in the East, which she opened in the fall of that year in New York City. In 1842 she became superior of the New York convent. The New York convent school, which in 1847 moved to Manhattanville, New York, later became the College of the Sacred Heart and later still Manhattanville College.

      In 1844 Mother Aloysia was appointed mother provincial for eastern North America, including schools in Pennsylvania and Quebec. (Her title was changed to superior vicar in 1851.) She established over the course of 27 years 16 houses for the order from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Havana and as far west as Detroit, Michigan. During the American Civil War she had additional responsibility for houses in the West cut off from their provincial superior at Grand Coteau. In 1864 she transferred her headquarters from Manhattanville to Kenwood, near Albany, New York. In 1871 she was named assistant general of the Society of the Sacred Heart with responsibility for the houses in the British Empire and North America. She made an arduous farewell tour of the North American houses from Canada to Cuba to Kansas and in 1872 arrived at the mother house in Paris. She died in Paris in 1886, and in 1905 her remains were taken to the United States and reinterred in the convent in Kenwood.

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Universalium. 2010.

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