Gräfe, Karl Ferdinand von

Gräfe, Karl Ferdinand von

▪ German surgeon
born March 8, 1787, Warsaw
died July 4, 1840, Hannover, Hanover, Ger.
 German surgeon who helped to create modern plastic surgery. A superintendent of German military hospitals during the Napoleonic Wars (1800–15), he also served as professor of surgery and director of the surgical clinic at the University of Berlin (1810–40). He improved the English surgeon Joseph Carpue's adaptation of the “Indian method” and revived the 16th-century surgeon Gasparo Tagliacozzi's “Italian method” of plastic surgery on the nose. The Indian method uses a skin graft from the forehead and the Italian from the upper arm. Gräfe also developed an operation for repairing a cleft palate and made technical improvements in the administration of blood transfusions. Gräfe's son, Albrecht, became a noted eye surgeon.

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