Giner de Los Ríos, Francisco

Giner de Los Ríos, Francisco

▪ Spanish philosopher
born Oct. 10, 1839, Ronda or possibly Málaga, Spain
died Feb. 17, 1915, Madrid

      Spanish philosopher, literary critic, and educator who became the most influential exponent of krausismo, a liberal educational and philosophical movement prominent in Spain during the 19th century, emphasizing the development of the individual and based on the teachings of the German philosopher Karl Krause.

      After taking a degree in law at the University of Granada, he went to Madrid, where he came under the influence of Julián Sanz del Río, who introduced the teachings of Krause to Spain. In 1876 Giner founded the famous Institución Libre de Enseñanza (Institution for Independent Teaching), an educational institution free from the influence of the church and the state. His works include Estudios de literatura y arte (1876; “Studies in Literature and Art”); Estudios sobre educación (1886; “Studies on Education”); Filosofía y sociología (1904; “Philosophy and Sociology”); and Resumen de filosofía del derecho (1912; “Summary of Philosophy of Law”).

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