Gaitskell, Hugh

Gaitskell, Hugh

▪ British statesman
born , April 9, 1906, London
died Jan. 18, 1963, London
 British statesman, leader of the British Labour Party from December 1955 until his sudden death at the height of his influence.

      After teaching political economy at the University of London, Gaitskell served through World War II in the Ministry of Economic Warfare. Entering the House of Commons in 1945, he was appointed minister of fuel and power in 1947, minister of state for economic affairs in 1950, and chancellor of the exchequer (succeeding Sir Stafford Cripps) later the same year, leaving office when the Labour government was defeated in 1951.

      Gaitskell was chosen to succeed Clement Attlee as Labour leader in 1955, in preference to two more experienced candidates, Herbert Morrison and Aneurin Bevan. He seemed discredited in 1959 when his party lost the general election, and in 1960 when the party executive, which opposed unilateral nuclear disarmament, was defeated on that issue at the annual party conference. At the 1961 party conference, however, he secured a reversal of the decision on nuclear weapons and then was able to reunite the party. In 1962, again at the party conference, he made a notable speech opposing Great Britain's entry into the European Economic Community (Common Market), for which the Conservative government was unsuccessfully negotiating.

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  • Gaitskell, Hugh (Todd Naylor) — born April 9, 1906, London, Eng. died Jan. 18, 1963, London British politician. He taught political economy at the University of London and in World War II served in the ministry of economic warfare. He entered the House of Commons in 1945 and… …   Universalium

  • Gaitskell, Hugh (Todd Naylor) — (9 abr. 1906, Londres, Inglaterra–18 ene. 1963, Londres). Político británico. Fue catedrático de economía política en la Universidad de Londres y, durante la segunda guerra mundial, sirvió en el ministerio de guerra económica. Ingresó a la Cámara …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Hugh Gaitskell — Hugh Todd Naylor Gaitskell (9 de abril de 1906 18 de enero de 1963) fue un político laborista británico, quien se desempeñó en varios cargos ministeriales en distintos gobiernos, y fue el líder del Partido del Trabajo y líder de la oposición… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Hugh Todd Naylor Gaitskell — (* 9. April 1906 in London; † 18. Januar 1963) war ein britischer Politiker. Er war Führer der Labour Party von 1955 bis zu seinem Tod 1963. Er studierte am Winchester College und am New College der Universität Oxford, wo er 1927 sein Examen in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gaitskell — Hugh Todd Naylor Gaitskell (* 9. April 1906 in London; † 18. Januar 1963) war ein britischer Politiker. Er war Führer der Labour Party von 1955 bis zu seinem Tod 1963. Er studierte am Winchester College und am New College der Universität Oxford,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hugh — /hyooh/ or, often, /yooh/, n. a male given name: from a Germanic word meaning heart, mind. * * * (as used in expressions) Hector Hugh Munro Auden Wystan Hugh Chamberlen Hugh Gaitskell Hugh Todd Naylor Hefner Hugh Marston Hugh Capet Hugh of Saint… …   Universalium

  • Hugh — (as used in expressions) Auden, W(ystan) H(ugh) Chamberlen, Hugh Gaitskell, Hugh (Todd Naylor) Hefner, Hugh (Marston) Latimer, Hugh Lofting, Hugh (John) MacDiarmid, Hugh MacLennan, (John) Hugh McCulloch, Hugh H(ector) H(ugh) Munro Tyrone, Hugh O… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Hugh Gaitskell — Mandats Leader du Parti travailliste Chef de l Opposition 14  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gaitskell — may refer to:* Hugh Gaitskell (1906–1963), British politician; leader of the Labour party. * Anna Gaitskell, Baroness Gaitskell (1901–1989), British also* Gaskell * Gaitskill …   Wikipedia

  • Gaitskell —   [ geɪtskəl], Hugh Todd Naylor, britischer Politiker, * London 9. 4. 1906, ✝ ebenda 18. 1. 1963; Dozent für Volkswirtschaft an der Universität London, seit 1945 Abgeordneter im Unterhaus; war Minister für Brennstoff und Energiewirtschaft (1947… …   Universal-Lexikon

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