Fleming, Paul

Fleming, Paul

▪ German poet
born Oct. 5, 1609, Hartenstein, Saxony [now in Germany]
died April 2, 1640, Hamburg

      outstanding lyrical poet of 17th-century Germany. He brought a new immediacy and sincerity to the innovations of metre and stanza introduced by his teacher, Martin Opitz (Opitz, Martin).

      The son of a Lutheran pastor, Fleming was studying medicine and composing Latin verse at Leipzig when he met Opitz and became his ardent disciple. Fleming spent years with a trade mission in Russia and Iran. In Revel (now Tallinn, Est.) he experienced a disappointing love affair. He later continued studying medicine in Leyden, and, as he was returning to Revel, he died in Hamburg.

      Fleming's legacy is some of the century's finest poetry: love lyrics that were unique for their time in their freshness and depth of feeling and religious hymns distinguished for their fervour and stoical dignity. Some of them—e.g., “In allen meinen Taten” (“In All My Deeds”)—appear in hymnals today. Fleming excelled in the sonnet form, which he was the first German to use effectively. His poetry is not free of the allusions to mythology, the piled-up maxims, and the Baroque conceits that were popular during his day, but these artificialities are redeemed by the personal tone of a man who writes convincingly from his own experience. His Teutsche Poemata (“German Poems”) and Geist und weltliche Poemata (“Spiritual and Worldly Poems”) appeared posthumously in 1642 and in 1651.

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