Fabius Ambustus, Quintus

Fabius Ambustus, Quintus

▪ Roman statesman and commander
flourished 4th century BC

      Roman politician and commander who, according to the Roman historian Livy (1st century BC), was responsible for the sack of Rome by the Gauls in or soon after 390.

      He and two other Fabii were sent as ambassadors to the Gauls while a Gallic army was besieging Clusium (present-day Chiusi). After Quintus Fabius involved his group in a skirmish, the offended Gauls demanded that Rome surrender the culprits to them for having violated the rules of war. By way of reply, however, the Romans elected the three men tribunes with consular power in the following year. As a result, the Gauls marched on Rome, triumphed at the battle of the Allia River, and captured the city. Modern historians believe that the story was invented to explain how the Gauls were able to take Rome: supposedly, by violating the rules of war, the Romans brought defeat upon themselves.

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