Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeoamericana

Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeoamericana

▪ Spanish encyclopaedia
byname  Espasa,  

      encyclopaedia published in Madrid, an outstanding reference work of 70 volumes—published between 1905 and 1933—plus a series of supplements.

      Spanish and Spanish-American biography and gazetteer information are especially strong. Major articles—e.g., on countries—are quite long and include lengthy bibliographies of international scope. Although coverage is considered universal, the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America are particularly well covered. A volume devoted to Spain is separately revised and reissued approximately every 10 years.

      Special features of Espasa include reproductions and descriptions of paintings and other works of art, entered under titles; colour plates, for each country, of uniforms, flags, and coins; geographical, historical, geological, and statistical maps; and city and town plans, even of obscure and remote places not usually available in guidebooks. Espasa also functions as a language dictionary, giving etymologies and word equivalents in French, Italian, English, German, Portuguese, Catalan, and Esperanto.

      From 1934, a suplemento anual has been published at irregular intervals. It is arranged alphabetically in subject groups, e.g., Aeronautica, Agricultura, etc., with smaller topics included under these. In 1955 a miniature edition, entitled Espasa-Calpe: diccionario enciclopédico abreviado, was issued in a sixth edition of seven volumes.

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Universalium. 2010.

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