Corpus Juris Hungarici

Corpus Juris Hungarici

English‘‘Corpus of Hungarian Law "

      unofficial collection of Hungarian legal statutes dating to the 16th century. The core of the collection consists of copies of the decrees of various kings and dates from about 1544. The collection was assembled by István Illosfalvy, provost of Eger. The same documents were used by Roman Catholic bishops Zakariás Mosóczy and Miklós Telegdy when they first published the collection of laws in Nagyszombat (now Trnava, Slvk.) in 1584.

      The Corpus Juris Hungarici inspired a number of similar publications in the following century. In 1696 Márton Szentiváni, a printer from Nagyszombat, published an edition that included more-recent laws. The Latin text was first translated into Hungarian in 1866 by Dániel Gegus, alderman of Szeged. At the end of the 19th century a new series was introduced, and thereafter new laws were published on an annual basis.

      The Corpus Juris Hungarici is essentially made up of two parts. The first part comprises statutes from AD 1000, the reign of Hungary's first king, Stephen I, to 1848. The second part includes statutes from 1867 onward. There are gaps in the first part, and not all of the laws it contains are accurate versions of the original statutes, for these only became known as collectors and publishers happened to preserve them. The second part, the last volume of which was published in 1948, presents the original text of the statutes and their preambles.

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