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Linnhe, Loch — geographical name inlet of the Atlantic on W coast of Scotland extending NE from head of Firth of Lorn … New Collegiate Dictionary
Loch Linnhe — 56.701388888889 5.2619444444445 Koordinaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Loch Linnhe — Loch Linnhe. Loch Linnhe (conocido en gaélico escocés como An Linne Dhubh corriente arriba de Corran y como An Linne Sheileach corriente abajo de Corran) es un loch marítimo, es decir, un estuario o fiordo y no un lago, en la costa occidental de… … Wikipedia Español
Linnhe — (Loch. L.), Busen an der Westküste von Schottland: schneidet tief in die Grafschaft Argyle ein … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Loch — Vista sobre el Loch Lomond, hacia el Ben Lomond … Wikipedia Español
Loch — A loch (usually Lough as a name element outside Scotland) is a body of water which is either: * a lake or; * a sea inlet, which may be also a firth, fjord, estuary or bay.Sea inlet lochs are often called sea lochs .BackgroundThis name for a body… … Wikipedia
Loch Linnhe — (known in Gaelic as An Linne Dhubh upstream of Corran and as An Linne Sheileach downstream of Corran) is a sea loch on the west coast of Scotland.Loch Linnhe extends 15 kilometres and is an average of 2 kilometres wide. It opens onto the Firth of … Wikipedia
Loch Lochy — Geographische Lage Highland, Schottland Zuflüsse Kaledonisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Loch Creran — Vue depuis Appin vers Sgurr Mor, Benderloch Administration Pays … Wikipédia en Français
Loch Eil — Vue du sud est depuis la rive situé à l extrémité ouest du loch Eil. Administration Pays … Wikipédia en Français