Callendar — is a surname and may refer to:* Guy Stewart Callendar (1898 – 1964), English steam engineer and inventor and son of Hugh Longbourne Callendar ** Callendar effect * Hugh Longbourne Callendar (1863 – 1930), British physicist and father of Guy… … Wikipedia
Callendar — [ kæləndə], Hugh Longbourne, britischer Physiker, * Hatherop (County Gloucestershire) 18. 4. 1863, ✝ London 21. 1. 1930; Professor in Montreal (1893 97) und London; arbeitete besonders über die Theorie der Dampfturbinen und die physikalischen… … Universal-Lexikon
Callendar — This interesting surname has two origins. Firstly, it may be from an occupational name for a person who gave a smooth finish to freshly woven cloth by passing it between heavy rollers to compress the weave. The English term for such a worker,… … Surnames reference
Callendar House — is an imposing mansion set within the grounds of Falkirk s Callendar Park. Built in the style of a French château, the house has a 600 year history, playing host to many prominent historical figures, including Mary, Queen of Scots, Oliver… … Wikipedia
Callendar effect — The Callendar effect is a name for the effect of combustion produced carbon dioxide on the global climate. It is therefore a special case of the greenhouse effect. The size of the Callendar effect in global warming is controversial.The Callendar… … Wikipedia
Callendar-Griffiths-Brücke — Kalendaro ir Grifitso tiltelis statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Tiltelis su keturių polių termorezistoriumi temperatūrai matuoti. atitikmenys: angl. Callendar Griffits bridge vok. Callendar Griffiths Brücke, f rus. мост … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Callendar-Griffits bridge — Kalendaro ir Grifitso tiltelis statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Tiltelis su keturių polių termorezistoriumi temperatūrai matuoti. atitikmenys: angl. Callendar Griffits bridge vok. Callendar Griffiths Brücke, f rus. мост … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Callendar-Van Dusen equation — The Callendar Van Dusen equation is an equation that describes the relationship between resistance (R) and temperature (t) of platinum resistance thermometers.For the range between 200 °C to 0 °C the equation is:R(t) = R(0) [ 1 + A*t + B*t^2 + (t … Wikipedia
Callendar-Gleichung — Cal|len|dar Glei|chung [ kæləndə ; nach dem brit. Physiker H. L. Callendar (1863–1930)]: ↑ Virialkoeffizient … Universal-Lexikon
callendar life — ilgalaikiškumas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Medžiagos ar gaminio gebėjimas priešintis ilgalaikės eksploatacijos poveikiams. atitikmenys: angl. age; callendar life; durability; endurance; life duration; life time; longevity; service life; … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas