

 in Greek mythology, the son of Thestor (a priest of Apollo) and the most famous soothsayer among the Greeks at the time of the Trojan War. He played an important role in the quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon that begins Homer's Iliad. According to the lost poems of the Epic Cycle (a collection of at least 13 ancient Greek poems, many of them concerning the Trojan War), Calchas foretold the duration of the siege of Troy, demanded the sacrifice of Iphigeneia, daughter of Agamemnon (king of Mycenae), and advised the construction of the wooden horse with which the Greeks finally took Troy. It had been predicted that he should die when he met his superior in divination; the prophecy was fulfilled when Calchas met Mopsus (who was the son of Apollo and Manto, the daughter of the blind Theban seer Tiresias), after the war, at Claros in Asia Minor or at Siris in Italy. Beaten in a trial of soothsaying, Calchas died of chagrin or committed suicide.

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