Brutus, Lucius Junius

Brutus, Lucius Junius

▪ legendary Roman
flourished 6th century BC

      a legendary figure, who is held to have ousted the despotic Etruscan king Lucius Tarquinius Superbus from Rome in 509 and then to have founded the Roman Republic. He is said to have been elected to the first consulship in that year and then to have condemned his own sons to death when they joined in a conspiracy to restore the Tarquins. Tradition holds that he was killed in single combat with the son of Tarquinius Superbus during a battle with the Etruscans. He was credited with establishing many of the basic institutions of the Roman Republic. His statue, with sword bared for action, was erected on the Capitol among those of the kings.

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Universalium. 2010.

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