

      city, Baden-Württemberg Land (state), southwestern Germany. It lies along the Saalbach (Saal Stream), just northeast of Karlsruhe. First mentioned in 796 as the site of a Frankish royal villa, it was given to the prince-bishops of Speyer in 1056 and became their residence in 1720. Chartered in 1248, it passed to Baden in 1803. The city's magnificent Rococo castle (1722–32), one of the most distinguished in Germany, has been restored after having been largely destroyed in World War II. The church of St. Peter (1742–49; by Balthasar Neumann (Neumann, Balthasar)) and the scenic castle park also remain. Bruchsal is an important communications, rail, wholesale, commercial, and industrial centre. Major industrial activities and products include electrical engineering and electronics (particularly telecommunications products and electric motors), transport equipment (notably tractor parts), and a variety of machinery. The city is known for its agricultural products (especially asparagus). A technological and ecological village has been created to attract high-technology production and service activities. The private, business-sponsored International University in Germany, featuring business programs in information technology, was founded in the city in 1998. Pop. (2003 est.) 42,690.

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