

      rugged, mountainous island in the Adriatic Sea that is part of Croatia. With an area of 153 square miles (395 square km), Brač is one of the larger islands in the Adriatic; it lies southeast of the mainland city of Split. Its maximum elevation, 2,559 feet (780 m), is reached at Vidova Mountain, the highest point in the Adriatic islands. The main occupations of the inhabitants are fishing and agriculture; crops include figs, olives, almonds, and wine grapes. With insufficient fresh water, the island must be supplied from the mainland in summer. Mechanized quarrying of marble provides a further export, and a small tourist industry has developed.

      The principal village is Supetar, and there is an ancient wall at the hamlet of Škrip, where stone was quarried to build (AD 295–305) Diocletian's palace in Split. The island was occupied by the ancient Greeks and Romans and then—following the power struggles in the Adriatic—in turn by pirates and the powers of Dubrovnik (the Ragusan republic), Venice, Bosnia, France, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with a brief period of autonomy. In 1918 it was incorporated into Yugoslavia. During World War II, Yugoslav partisans and Allied special forces took Brač back from the Germans in 1944.

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