

      traditional emirate, Niger State, western Nigeria. After a race by the colonial developer Frederick Lugard, on behalf of the Royal Niger Company, in 1894 to beat the French to Nikki (now in Benin), the capital of the Borgu kingdom, to sign a commercial treaty, France and Britain settled their territorial claims to Borgu by a convention of 1898. Eastern Borgu, the area of which contained the 12,000-square-mile (31,000-square-km) Bussa, Kaiama, and Illo chiefdoms, was ceded to the British (British Empire), who created Borgu Province in 1900, recognized Bussa chiefdom (founded c. 1730) as an emirate, and established Kaiama's Chief Mora Tsaude (Murata Sidi) as emir of Kaiama. After Illo was transferred to Sokoto province in 1905, what remained of Borgu was given (1907) to Kontagora province; Borgu division was incorporated into Ilorin province in 1923. In 1954, when Kaiama's emir resigned, Kaiama and Bussa emirates were joined; Muhammadu Sani, emir of Bussa, then became the first emir of Borgu. Today, the emir functions in a traditional and religious capacity.

      Borgu's area of plains and wooded savanna is drained by several small streams that flow eastward to the Niger River, the area's eastern boundary. Poor soils, low rainfall (especially in the dry season), and Fulani slave raids in the 19th century have made Borgu one of Nigeria's least-populated regions. Most inhabitants are of the Bargu (Borgu, Bariba, Borgenci), Busa (Bussa, Bussangi), Boko (Bokoboro), Reshe (Gungunci, Gungawa), Fulani, Kamberi, or Yoruba ethnic group and mainly engage in cattle and poultry raising, subsistence farming (sorghum, millet, shea nuts, onions, corn [maize], peanuts [groundnuts], cotton, tobacco), and fishing. Gold mining, once important around Kaiama and Bussa, is no longer significant. The creation of Kainji Lake (1968) forced the evacuation of several towns along the Niger, including Bussa, the former spiritual headquarters of the Borgu kingdom. Kaiama, New Bussa (built in 1966; 24 miles [39 km] south of old Bussa), Okuta, and Wawa are the chief towns.

region, West Africa
also spelled  Borgou,  

      inland region of West Africa, covering parts of what is now Benin and Nigeria and bounded northeast and east by the Niger River. Its name probably derives from the aquatic grass called borgu, a cattle food. The tribes of the region formerly gave allegiance to the sultan of Borgu and the chief of Busa. After a dispute over the territory in 1894, an Anglo-French convention of 1898 declared the western part French and the eastern British. Nigerian areas of this region are protected game and forest reserves.

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  • Borgu — was a country in Africa, partitioned between the Great Britain and France by the Anglo French Convention of 1898. It lies in what is now Nigeria and the Republic of Benin.People of Borgu were known as Bariba and Borgawa. The most eastern country… …   Wikipedia

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