basse danse

basse danse

      (French: “low dance”), courtly dance for couples, originating in 14th-century Italy and fashionable in many varieties for two centuries. Its name is attributed both to its possible origin as a peasant, or “low,” dance and to its style of small gliding steps in which the feet remain close to the ground. Danced by hand-holding couples in a column, it was performed with various combinations of small bows and a series of walking steps completed by drawing the back foot up to the leading foot. The music was in the modern equivalent of 12/8 time. The basse danse was typically followed by its afterdance, the saltarello.

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  • basse danse — (ˈ)bäs|däⁿs noun (plural basses danses äⁿs(ə̇z)) Etymology: French basse danse, danse basse, literally, low dance : a stately 15th century court dance that was ancestor to the minuet …   Useful english dictionary

  • basse danse — фр. [бас дане] старин. плавный танец …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

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