Barnave, Antoine

Barnave, Antoine

▪ French politician
in full  Antoine-Pierre-Joseph-Marie Barnave 
born October 22, 1761, Grenoble, France
died November 29, 1793, Paris

      prominent political figure of the early French Revolutionary period whose oratorical skill and political incisiveness made him one of the most highly respected members of the National Assembly.

      Of an upper-bourgeois Protestant family, Barnave was privately trained in law. In 1789 he was elected Dauphiné's deputy to the last States General and quickly established a reputation as the comte de Mirabeau's chief rival in debates in the new National Assembly. Throughout 1790 he played an active role in formulating the Assembly's decrees, addresses, and resolutions, eventually becoming president of the National Assembly. At the same time, he joined his friends Adrien Duport and Alexandre de Lameth in the reorganization of the Jacobin Club.

      In March 1790 he was elected to the Committee on Colonies and drafted several proposals supporting the interests of French trading monopolies in the West Indies, maintaining that their retention was vital to the needs of the French nation. His opponents, led by Jacques-Pierre Brissot, bitterly attacked his policies, and, as the antislavery campaign won favour in the increasingly radical Jacobin society, Barnave's influence waned considerably. The death of Mirabeau and the radicalization of the Jacobins in the spring of 1791 convinced him of the urgency of mobilizing the wealthy propertied class in support of a strong constitutional monarchy. Louis XVI's abortive attempt to flee France in June 1791 led Barnave to believe that the king could be persuaded to accept the constitution as it stood and thus bring the Revolution to a close before its prolongation resulted in political anarchy. Thus he began his correspondence with Queen Marie-Antoinette, which became the source of later attacks against him.

      On July 15, 1791, Barnave delivered his famous speech favouring the ultimate restoration of the king under a conservative monarchical constitutionalism, opposing republicanism as inappropriate to France's interests, and appealing for the end of the Revolution and its upheavals. When the National Assembly ended in September 1791, he retired to his home in Dauphiné, enrolled as an officer in the national guard, and devoted himself to correspondence and writing. His royalism, however, was systematically attacked after January 1792. He was arrested on August 29, 1792, and imprisoned at Grenoble; on November 3 he was transferred to Paris, where he was tried (November 28, 1793) and executed.

      Barnave's Introduction à la révolution française (“Introduction to the French Revolution”), written during his imprisonment at Grenoble, is considered a major document of the Revolution. The work, in which he outlines the “natural history” of society's evolution toward the hegemony of the middle class, was one of the first attempts to place the French Revolution into a broad scheme of political, legal, and social history.

Additional Reading
Emanuel Chill (trans.), Power, Property, and History: Barnave's Introduction to the French Revolution and Other Writings (1971).

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