Bamberger, Ludwig

Bamberger, Ludwig

▪ German economist
born July 22, 1823, Mainz, Hesse [Germany]
died March 14, 1899, Berlin
 economist and publicist, a leading authority on currency problems in Germany. Originally a radical, he became a moderate liberal in Bismarck's Germany.

      Born of Jewish parents, Bamberger was studying French law when the Revolutions of 1848 (1848, Revolutions of) inspired his radicalism. He became a newspaper editor, took part in the 1849 republican rising in the Palatinate, went into exile, and was condemned in absentia to death. Bamberger managed the Paris branch of a London bank until the amnesty of 1866 enabled him to return to Germany.

      By then a qualified admirer of Otto von Bismarck (Bismarck, Otto von), Bamberger dissociated himself from all democratic groups. In 1870, at Bismarck's request, he participated in the Franco-German peace negotiations, and in 1871 he entered the Reichstag as a National Liberal.

      Bamberger obtained the standardization of the German coinage, adoption of the gold standard, and establishment of the Reichsbank. Although he supported Bismarck's outlawing of the Socialist Party and attempts to nationalize the railways, Bamberger from 1878 opposed the chancellor's policy of protective tariffs, state socialism, and colonial expansion. In 1880 Bamberger left the National Liberal Party and helped to found the splinter party called the Sezession. For some years afterward he was the trusted adviser of the crown princess Victoria (wife of the future German emperor Frederick III).

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