Amoroso Lima, Alceu

Amoroso Lima, Alceu

▪ Brazilian essayist, philosopher, and literary critic
pseudonym  Tristão de Athayde  
born Dec. 11, 1893, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
died Aug. 15, 1983, Rio de Janeiro

      essayist, philosopher, and literary critic, a leading champion of the cause of intellectual freedom in Brazil. He was also an enthusiastic supporter of Modernismo, a Brazilian cultural movement of the 1920s, and, after his conversion to Roman Catholicism in 1928, a leader in the Neo-Catholic intellectual movement.

      Amoroso Lima's multifaceted career included positions as professor of sociology, law, and literature, university president, literary critic for the Jornal do Brasil and numerous other periodicals, and director of the Cultural Division of the Pan American Union in Washington, D.C. (1951–53). He was elected to the Brazilian Academy of Letters (1935) and was a founder of the Agir Publishing House (1944). In 1957 he cofounded the Latin American Christian Democrat Movement.

      Examples of his varied publications are Contra-revolução espiritual (1932; “The Spiritual Counter-Revolution”), Problema da burguesia (1932; “The Problem of the Bourgeoisie”), Mitos de nosso tempo (1943; “Myths of Our Time”), Humanismo pedagógico (1944; “Pedagogical Humanism”), an exposition of Christian humanism, and Revolução, reação ou reforma (1964; “Revolution, Reaction, or Reform”). Tristão de Athayde: Teoria, crítica e história literária (1980; “Tristão de Athayde: Theory, Criticism, and Literary History”) is a representative collection of Amoroso Lima's works on the art of literature, the role of the critic, and critical theory.

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Universalium. 2010.

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