

also called  almwirtschaft 

      type of pastoral nomadism that forms a unique economic system (economic systems) in the Alps and involves the migration of livestock between mountain pastures in warm months and lower elevations the remainder of the year. In German, Alp, or Alm, means mountain pasture, and Wirtschaft means domestic economy. Some scholars consider alpwirtschaft to be a limited type of pastoral nomadism subsumed under a broader form known as transhumance, which includes migration within and between regions.

      Alpwirtschaft, often called the old mountain economy, developed because many of the mountain valleys, which were occupied by villages and cropland, did not provide sufficient land for livestock grazing. The seasonal migration of livestock to different elevations throughout the year was thus introduced to compensate for the lack of pasture at lower elevations. During the winter the livestock are fed hay and herded between a farmstead in a lower valley and a low mountain farm located at a slightly higher elevation. In the spring, summer, and autumn, the livestock are herded between a lower mountain farm, upland farms, and upland pastures located at the highest elevations. The pastures may be privately owned, shared by neighbours, leased to tenant farmers, or communal. At the lower elevations grazing is supplemented by hay feeding, while pasture at the higher elevations provides ample growth for grazing. At the various elevations of farm and pasture, villages and lodges are located to accommodate the partial or total migration of farmers, herders, and their families.

      The location of new industries in many mountain valleys has caused many families to seek industrial employment while retaining their mountain residence. Thus, fewer families participate in the seasonal migration, and more pastures have been abandoned; many of the less accessible pastures have been converted into resorts.

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Universalium. 2010.

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