Alós, Concha

Alós, Concha

▪ Spanish author
born May 24, 1922, Valencia, Spain

      Spanish novelist and short-story writer, best known for her neorealistic, often existential works deploring social injustice, especially the institutionally sanctioned victimization of women.

      Alós and her family fled to Murcia during the Spanish Civil War. After her mother's death, Alós cared for her father and helped support her family. She married and moved with her husband to Palma, Majorca, where she taught for a few years and began to write. The marriage did not last, and in 1960 Alós settled in Barcelona, where she began to concentrate on her writing; she had won her first literary award, for a short story, in 1957. Her first two novels, Los enanos (1962; “The Dwarfs”) and Los cien pájaros (1963; “The Hundred Birds”), are realistic narratives of working-class life. Although her third novel, Las hogueras (1964; “Bonfires”), is also in that vein, it begins to reflect a deeper concern with individual psychology; the novel won the Planeta literary prize.

      Alós wrote about her family's refugee status and flight during the civil war in the semiautobiographical El caballo rojo (1966; “The Red Horse Inn”). Her Os habla Electra (1975; “Electra Speaking”), which offers a Freudian interpretation of the Electra myth, diverges radically in narrative style from her earlier work, weaving in and out of hallucination and reality. She continued her experimentation in Argeo ha muerto, supongo (1982; “Argeo's Dead, I Suppose”) and El asesino de los sueños (1986; “The Assassin of Dreams”), which combines mythological, historical, and literary allusions. Her other works include a collection of short stories, El rey de gatos (Narraciones antropófagas) (1972; “The King of Cats [Cannibalistic Tales]”), and La madama (1970; “The Madam”).

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