Agricola, Johann

Agricola, Johann

▪ German theologian
original name  Johann Schneider, Schneider  also spelled  Schnitter,  Latin  Sartor 
born April 20, 1494, Eisleben, Saxony
died Sept. 22, 1566, Berlin

      Lutheran Reformer, friend of Martin Luther (Luther, Martin), and advocate of antinomianism, a view asserting that Christians are freed by grace from the need to obey the Ten Commandments. At Wittenberg, Agricola was persuaded by Luther to change his course of study from medicine to theology. Increasingly under Luther's influence, Agricola accompanied him as recording secretary to his Leipzig debate of 1519 with the scholar Johann Eck.

      In 1525 Agricola helped introduce Lutheranism to Frankfurt and, in the same year, became head of the Latin school at Eisleben. There, he began to assert his antinomianism (Greek anti, “against”; nomos, “law”), condemning the law as an unnecessary carry-over from the Old Testament and as too similar to the Roman Catholic stress on good works: “The Decalog (Ten Commandments) belongs in the courthouse, not in the pulpit. . . . To the gallows with Moses!” In 1527 he became more forceful, attacking the Reformer Philipp Melanchthon (Melanchthon, Philipp), an associate of Luther, for Lutheran inclusion of the law in Reformation theology. The conflict was enlarged when Agricola returned to Wittenberg in 1536, and Luther responded with five disputations and the treatise “Against the Antinomians.” Under persecution for his attacks on Luther's position, in 1540 Agricola went to Berlin, where he retracted his views and in the same year was made court preacher by the Protestant prince Joachim II of Brandenburg. Shortly afterward he returned to Saxony but found himself no longer in Luther's trust.

      In 1548, following Charles V's victory over the Protestants in his effort to unify the Holy Roman Empire, Agricola was selected by the emperor as one of three theologians to draft a provisional religious settlement between Protestants and Roman Catholics, a document that became known as the Augsburg Interim. His role earned Agricola the hatred of staunch Protestants, but he defended strict Lutheranism in other controversies and toward the end of his life considered himself to have won a substantial victory for Luther's views. Although criticized by some as vain and too morally weak to shun court favours, Agricola was a gifted theologian and administrator.

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