Rouch, Jean-Pierre

Rouch, Jean-Pierre
▪ 2005

      French documentary filmmaker and ethnologist (b. May 31, 1917, Paris, France—d. Feb. 18, 2004, northern Niger), pioneered the cinéma vérité style and techniques, notably the use of the hand-held camera. Rouch first went to Africa as a civil engineer in 1941; what he saw there inspired him to take up both ethnology and cinematography. He made more than 100 films, the most respected of which included Au pays des mages noirs (1947), Les Maîtres fous (1955), Moi, un noir (1958), and Chronique d'un été (Chronicle of a Summer, 1961). Rouch was in Niger attending a film festival of his work when he died in a car accident.

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