- Causes of Death in the United States
▪ 1999(July-June)Rate per 100,000populationRank in 1997 1996 19971 Diseases of the heart 278.7 271.22 Malignant neoplasms 204.5 200.83 Cerebrovascular diseases 60.3 59.74 Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases 39.2 41.35 Accidents and adverse effects 36.2 34.46 Pneumonia and influenza 31.2 33.07 Diabetes mellitus 22.9 23.38 Suicide 11.7 11.19 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 9.0 9.610 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 9.6 9.311 Septicemia 8.0 8.412 Alzheimer's disease ... 8.413 Homicide and legal intervention 8.4 7.014 HIV infection 15.1 6.215 Atherosclerosis 6.3 6.2See as table:
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▪ Table(January-December)Rate per 100,000populationRank in 1996 1995 19961 Diseases of the heart 278.1 275.02 Malignant neoplasms 204.1 204.53 Cerebrovascular diseases 59.7 59.84 Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases 39.4 39.85 Accidents and adverse effects 34.2 34.26 Pneumonia and influenza 30.5 30.87 Diabetes mellitus 22.2 23.28 HIV infection 16.1 11.89 Suicide 11.4 11.410 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 9.8 10.211 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 9.5 9.212 Septicemia 8.1 8.213 Homicide and legal intervention 8.5 7.914 Atherosclerosis 6.2 5.915 Certain conditions of the perinatal period 5.1 4.9See as table:* * *
Universalium. 2010.