Cabral de Melo Neto, Joao

Cabral de Melo Neto, Joao
▪ 2000

      Brazilian poet and diplomat (b. Jan. 9, 1920, Recife, Braz.—d. Oct 9, 1999, Rio de Janeiro, Braz.), was considered one of the last great figures of the golden age of Brazilian poetry. Cabral, born to a distinguished family of landowners, had a brief stint as a public servant before he moved in 1940 to Rio de Janeiro. In 1942 he published his first collection of poems, Pedra do sono. Although his early work was marked by Surrealist and Cubist influences, his collection O engenheiro (1945) marked him as a leading voice of the “Generation of '45” of post-World War II poets who brought a spare quality to their poetic style. In 1945 he joined the Brazilian diplomatic service and served in posts on four continents until his retirement in 1990. Cabral gained widespread national popularity with Morte e vida Severina (1955), a dramatic poem that made use of literatura de cordel, a popular narrative in verse. He was elected to the Brazilian Academy of Letters in 1968, the same year that his Poesias Completas was published. In 1990 Cabral was the recipient of Portugal's Camões Prize, and in 1992 he won both the Neustadt International Prize for Literature and the Queen Sofía Prize for Iberic Poetry. When Cabral lost most of his sight in 1994, he ceased writing poetry because he found that he could not separate his art from his visual perception.

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Universalium. 2010.

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