speech synthesis — noun The generation of spoken sounds by a computer from input text • • • Main Entry: ↑speech * * * speech synthesis UK US noun [uncountable] computing a process in which a computer produces sounds that are similar to human speech Thesaurus:… … Useful english dictionary
Speech synthesis — Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous people using speech synthesis to communicate Speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech. A computer system used for this purpose is called a speech synthesizer, and can be implemented… … Wikipedia
speech synthesis — kalbos sintezė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. speech synthesis vok. Sprachsynthese, f rus. синтез речи, m pranc. synthèse de parole, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Speech Synthesis Markup Language — (SSML) (Язык Разметки Синтеза Речи) представляет собой основанный на XML язык разметки для приложений синтеза речи[1]. Он был рекомендован рабочей группой W3C[2]. SSML часто встраивается в сценарии VoiceXML для интерактивных систем телефонии[3].… … Википедия
Speech Synthesis Markup Language — (SSML) is an XML based markup language for speech synthesis applications. It is a recommendation of the W3C s voice browser working group. SSML is often embedded in VoiceXML scripts to drive interactive telephony systems. However, it also may be… … Wikipedia
Speech Synthesis Markup Language — SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) ist eine auf XML basierende Auszeichnungssprache, die um zusätzliche Befehle für die Sprachausgabe erweitert wurde. SSML wird häufig auch zusammen mit VoiceXML verwendet. Programmbeispiel <?xml version=… … Deutsch Wikipedia
speech synthesis — creation through the use of a computer of sound output which resembles human speech … English contemporary dictionary
speech synthesis — UK / US noun [uncountable] computing a process in which a computer produces sounds that are similar to human speech … English dictionary
Speech synthesis — Synthèse vocale Stephen Hawking est l une des personnes les plus célèbres à utiliser ce genre de technique pour communiquer La synthèse vocale est une technique informatique de synthèse sonore qui permet de créer de la parole artificielle à… … Wikipédia en Français
Speech Synthesis — A computer system which can produce human understandable words from electronic data … International financial encyclopaedia