Network Computer — (often abbreviated NC) is a trademark of Oracle Corporation that was used, from approximately 1996 to 2000, to market a range of diskless desktop computer devices. The devices were designed and manufactured by an alliance, which included Sun… … Wikipedia
Network computer — (abbreviated NC) is a trademark of Oracle Corporation. It was used (c. 1996 c. 2000) by Oracle, and an alliance of businesses including Sun and Acorn, to mean a diskless desktop computer or in some cases a set top box [… … Wikipedia
Network Computer — [engl.], Netz PC … Universal-Lexikon
Network Computer — Ein Netzwerkrechner oder Network Computer, kurz NC, ist ein Computer, der mit minimaler Ausstattung an Hardware spezielle Funktionen eines Personal Computers ersetzen soll. In der Zeit von 1995 bis 1997 wurde erwartet, dass solche so genannten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
network computer — a relatively inexpensive computer with minimal processing power, designed primarily to provide access to computer networks, as corporate intranets or the Internet. Abbr.: NC [1990 95] * * * network computer noun A simple computer that relies on a … Useful english dictionary
network computer — Abbreviated NC. An initiative from Apple, IBM, Netscape, Oracle, and Sun Microsystems describing a networked computer designed to give system administrators greater control and security than a traditional PC provides. The network computer is… … Dictionary of networking
network computer — tinklo kompiuteris statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Kompiuteris, turintis aparatinę ir programinę įrangą, reikalingą prisijungti prie kompiuterių ↑tinklo . Gali naudotis tinklo ištekliais (pvz., atmintimi, duomenimis) ir leisti naudotis… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Network Computer Reference Profile — (NC reference profle, NCRP) was a specification for a network computer put forward by Oracle Corporation, endorsed by Sun Microsystems, IBM, Apple Computer, and Netscape, and finalized in 1996. Contents 1 NC1 2 StrongARM 3 O … Wikipedia
network computer — A simple access device designed for use on a computer network; it depends on a powerful central server for programs and storage … Big dictionary of business and management
network computer — a relatively inexpensive computer with minimal processing power, designed primarily to provide access to computer networks, as corporate intranets or the Internet. Abbr.: NC [1990 95] * * * … Universalium