
In Islamic tradition, the ascension of Muhammad into heaven.

One night, according to the tradition, Muhammad was visited by two archangels, who opened his body and purified his heart of all doubt, error, and paganism. He was carried to heaven, where he ascended the seven levels to reach the throne of God. Along the way he and the archangel Jibrīl met the prophets Adam, Yaḥyā (John the Apostle), ʽĪsā (Jesus), Yūsuf (Joseph), Idrīs, Ḥarūn (Aaron), Mūsā (Moses), and Ibrāhīm (Abraham) and visited hell and paradise. He learned that he was more highly regarded by God than all the other prophets. The miʽraj is popularly celebrated with readings of the legend on the 27th day of Rajab, called the Laylatʽ al-Mirāj ("Night of the Ascension").

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