hypostyle hall

hypostyle hall
Imposing interior space with a flat roof that rests on many rows of columns.

The design allows for the construction of large spaces without arches. It was used extensively in ancient Egypt (e.g., Temple of Amon at Karnak) and Persia. The elaborately carved pillars consumed much of the floor space and therefore assumed great importance. Hypostyles are rarely seen in more recent architecture because of more effective means of roof support.

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      in architecture, interior space whose roof rests on pillars or columns. The word means literally “under pillars,” and the design allows for the construction of large spaces—as in temples, palaces, or public buildings—without the need for arches. It was used extensively in ancient Egypt—where the Temple of Amon at Karnak provides a good example—and in Persia—where the ruins at Persepolis give evidence of outstanding examples of hypostyle construction.

      Although the multiple, usually large, pillars naturally consumed much of the floor space of such halls, this drawback was turned to advantage when the columns were carved with heroic or religious motifs. The design has rarely been used in more recent architecture because of more effective means of roof support.

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