
Region, south-central Sweden.

Stretching across the breadth of the country, it covers an area of 31,212 sq mi (80,844 sq km). Settled as early as the Stone Age, it was the original home of the Svear, a people who gave Sweden its name, and it was the political and cultural centre from which Sweden developed and later secured its independence. Its diversified economy includes agriculture, manufacturing, forestry, and mining.

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      region, central Sweden, encompassing the landskaper (provinces) of Uppland, Södermanland, Västmanland, Närke, Värmland, and Dalarna (qq.v.). Svealand is the smallest of Sweden's three regions and lies between the regions of Götaland on the south and Norrland on the north. From the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia on the east, it stretches across the breadth of Sweden to the Norwegian frontier. Svealand is a region of fertile plains and wooded heights, great forests, and many lakes. Archaeological remains indicate that some areas were settled as early as the Stone Age. The region was the original home of the Svear (Latin: Suiones), a people who gave Sweden its name (Sverige, or Svea Rike, in Swedish, meaning “kingdom of Svea”), and it was the nucleus from which Sweden developed politically and culturally and later secured its independence. Its diversified economy ranges from agriculture and manufacturing to forestry and mining.

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Universalium. 2010.

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