Sugawara Michizane

Sugawara Michizane
born 845, Japan
died March 26, 903, Dazaifu

Japanese scholar of Chinese literature during the Heian period, later deified as Tenjin, patron of scholarship and literature.

He was given important government posts by the emperor Uda, who saw him as a counterbalance to the powerful Fujiwara family. When Uda's son took the throne, Michizane's fortunes were reversed, and he was sent into exile when the new emperor was persuaded that Michizane was plotting against him. Following his death in exile, calamities in the capital were attributed to his vengeful spirit, and he was posthumously reinstated. At shrines dedicated to Tenjin, schoolchildren often buy amulets for good luck on school entrance exams.

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▪ Japanese scholar and statesman
posthumous name Tenjin
born 845, Japan
died March 26, 903, Dazaifu, Japan

      Japanese political figure and scholar of Chinese literature of the Heian period, who was later deified as Tenjin, the patron of scholarship and literature.

      Sugawara was born into a family of scholars, and as a boy he began studying the Chinese classics. After passing the civil-service examination in 870 he entered the Japanese court as a scholar and poet. In 886 he was appointed governor of Sanuki Province (modern Kagawa prefecture) on the island of Shikoku.

      Sugawara returned to Kyōto in 890. He was promoted to a succession of important posts by the emperor Uda, who sought to use him to counterbalance the influence of the powerful Fujiwara family. By 899 he was made minister of the right (udaijin), the second most important ministerial position, by Uda's son, the emperor Daigo. Daigo, however, favoured the Fujiwara, and in 901 Fujiwara Tokihira, Sugawara's rival, convinced the emperor that Sugawara was plotting treason. Sugawara was banished from the capital by being appointed to an administrative post on the island of Kyushu.

      Following Sugawara's death there two years later, a series of calamities—storms, fires, and violent deaths—were attributed to his vengeful spirit. To placate the spirit, Sugawara was posthumously reinstated to high rank and later was deified. His writings include a history of Japan and two volumes of Chinese poetry.

      A major festival honouring Tenjin is held annually on July 25 at the Temman Shrine in Ōsaka. There are also numerous local shrines throughout Japan at which schoolchildren buy amulets for luck during the period of school entrance examinations in the spring.

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