Spark, Muriel (Sarah)

Spark, Muriel (Sarah)
orig. Muriel Sarah Camberg

born Feb. 1, 1918, Edinburgh, Scot.

British writer.

She spent several years in Central Africa, returning to Britain during World War II. Until 1957 she published only poetry and criticism, including studies of Mary Shelley and the Brontë sisters. Her fiction uses satire and wit to present serious themes, often questions about good and evil. Memento Mori (1959) is her most widely praised novel; the best-known is The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1961; film, 1969). Her later novels, often more sinister in tone, include The Abbess of Crewe (1974), A Far Cry from Kensington (1988), and Reality and Dreams (1997).

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  • Muriel — (as used in expressions) Spark, Muriel (Sarah) Muriel Sarah Camberg Muriel Ellen Deason …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Muriel Spark — Born Muriel Sarah Camberg 1 February 1918(1918 02 01) Edinburgh, Scotland Died 13 April 2006(2006 04 13) (aged 88) Florence, Tuscany, Italy Occupation novelist, short story …   Wikipedia

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