Spaak, Paul-Henri

Spaak, Paul-Henri
born Jan. 25, 1899, Schaerbeek, near Brussels, Belg.
died July 31, 1972, Brussels

Belgian statesman.

After practicing law (1921–31), he became a socialist member of the Chamber of Deputies in 1932. For most of the period from 1936 to 1966 he served as Belgium's foreign minister, and he twice served as its premier (1938–39, 1947–50). An advocate of European cooperation, he helped form the Benelux Economic Union (1944) and helped draft the UN charter, and in 1946 he served as the UN General Assembly's first president. He signed the Brussels Treaty, helped form NATO, and served as NATO's secretary-general (1957–61). He also helped create the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community.

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▪ Belgian statesman
born January 25, 1899, Schaerbeek, near Brussels, Belgium
died July 31, 1972, Brussels
 Belgium's foremost statesman in the decades following World War II and a leading advocate of European cooperation. He played a major role in forming the European Economic Community (EEC; now European Community), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and Benelux (Benelux Economic Union), the customs union of Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg (see Benelux Economic Union).

      After practicing as a lawyer (1921–31), Spaak became a socialist member of the Chamber of Deputies in 1932. As foreign minister (1936–38), he won acceptance by Great Britain and France of Belgium's independent foreign policy in the years before World War II. He became Belgium's first socialist prime minister (1938–39) and again served as foreign minister (1939–45) in Hubert Pierlot's government, which was exiled in London (1940–44). In London in 1944 Spaak helped form the Benelux customs union, which took effect in 1948. He helped draft the United Nations Charter in 1945 and served as president of the organization's first General Assembly in 1946.

      After a term as foreign minister (1945–47), Spaak became prime minister in the Social Christian–Socialist coalition government (1947–50) that introduced woman suffrage (1948) and brought the National Bank under state control. In 1948 he signed the Brussels Treaty establishing a regional defense alliance among Britain, France, and the Benelux countries, and he helped align those nations with the United States the following year to form NATO. Spaak's counsel was influential in persuading King Leopold III to abdicate the Belgian throne in 1951.

      Between 1948 and 1952 Spaak presided over several organizations for European political and economic cooperation, including the European Coal and Steel Community. He played a leading role in the negotiation of the Treaty of Rome (Rome, Treaties of) (March 1957), which created the Common Market and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). After again serving as Belgian foreign minister (1954–57), Spaak became secretary general of NATO (1957–61) and then Belgian deputy premier and foreign minister in the coalition government of Théo Lefevre (1961–66). He retired from the Socialist Party in 1966 to work in private business.

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