Smith, David (Roland)

Smith, David (Roland)
born March 9, 1906, Decatur, Ind., U.S.
died May 23, 1965, Albany, N.Y.

U.S. sculptor.

He learned to work with metal while employed at an automobile plant. In 1926 he went to New York City and took various jobs while studying painting at the Art Students League. His sculptures grew out of his abstract paintings, to which he attached so many bits of wood, metal, and found objects that they became virtual bases for sculptural superstructures. He became the first U.S. artist to make welded metal sculpture. In 1940 he moved to Bolton Landing, N.Y., and there made his large yet seemingly weightless metal sculptures until his death in a car crash. His abstract biomorphic and geometric forms are remarkable for their erratic inventiveness, stylistic diversity, and high aesthetic quality. His work greatly influenced Minimalist sculpture in the 1960s.

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  • Smith, David (Roland) — (9 mar. 1906, Decatur, Ind., EE.UU.–23 may. 1965, Albany, N.Y.). Escultor estadounidense. Aprendió metalurgia cuando trabajaba en una planta automotriz. En 1926 se trasladó a Nueva York y tomó varios empleos mientras estudiaba pintura en la Art… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Smith, David — ▪ American sculptor in full  David Roland Smith  born March 9, 1906, Decatur, Indiana, U.S. died May 23, 1965, Albany, New York       American sculptor whose pioneering welded metal sculpture and massive painted geometric forms made him the most… …   Universalium

  • David Roland Smith — noun United States sculptor (1906 1965) • Syn: ↑Smith, ↑David Smith • Instance Hypernyms: ↑sculptor, ↑sculpturer, ↑carver, ↑statue maker …   Useful english dictionary

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  • smith — /smith/, n. 1. a worker in metal. 2. a blacksmith. v.t. 3. to forge on an anvil; form by heating and pounding: to smith armor. [bef. 900; (n.) ME, OE; c. G Schmied, ON smithr, Goth smitha; (v.) ME smithen, OE smithian; c. ON smitha, Goth… …   Universalium

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