Skinner, B(urrhus) F(rederic)

Skinner, B(urrhus) F(rederic)
born March 20, 1904, Susquehanna, Pa., U.S.
died Aug. 18, 1990, Cambridge, Mass.

U.S. psychologist and influential theorist of behaviourism.

He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University and first achieved notice with The Behavior of Organisms (1938). In the mid-1940s he presented his "Air-Crib," a soundproof, germ-free, air-conditioned box meant to serve as an optimal environment for the first two years of childhood. In Walden Two (1948), a controversial but popular work, he described a utopia based on behavioral engineering. He spent most of his teaching career at Harvard (1948–74). His other works include Science and Human Behavior (1953), Verbal Behavior (1957), Beyond Freedom and Dignity (1971), and an autobiography (3 vol., 1976–83). He received the National Medal of Science in 1968.

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  • Skinner, B(urrhus) F(rederic) — (20 mar. 1904, Susquehanna, Pa., EE.UU.–18 ago. 1990, Cambridge, Mass.). Influyente psicólogo y teórico estadounidense del conductismo. Obtuvo su Ph.D. en la Universidad de Harvard y se destacó inicialmente con The Behavior of Organisms [El… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Skinner — [skin′ər] B(urrhus) F(rederic) 1904 90; U.S. psychologist …   English World dictionary

  • Skinner — I. biographical name B(urrhus) F(rederic) 1904 1990 American psychologist • Skinnerian adjective II. biographical name Cornelia Otis 1901 1979 daughter of Otis American actress & writer III. biographical name Otis 1858 1942 American actor …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Skinner — /skin euhr/, n. 1. B(urrhus) F(rederic) /berr euhs/, 1904 90, U.S. psychologist and writer. 2. Cornelia Otis, 1901 79, U.S. actress and author. 3. her father, Otis, 1858 1942, U.S. actor. * * * …   Universalium

  • Skinner — Skin•ner [[t]ˈskɪn ər[/t]] n. 1) big B(urrhus) F(rederic), 1904–90, U.S. psychologist 2) big Cornelia Otis, 1901–79, U.S. actress 3) big her father, Otis, 1858–1942, U.S. actor …   From formal English to slang

  • Skinner — /ˈskɪnə/ (say skinuh) noun 1. B(urrhus) F(rederic), 1904–90, US behavioural psychologist. 2. Mary Louisa ( Mollie ), 1877–1955, Australian writer; collaborated with DH Lawrence on the novel The Boy in the Bush (1924) …  

  • Frederic — (as used in expressions) Bartlett, Sir Frederic C(harles) Church, Frederic Edwin March, Frederic Nash, (Frederic) Ogden Frederic Dannay Remington, Frederic Simon, Paul (Frederic) Skinner, B(urrhus) F(rederic) …   Enciclopedia Universal

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