Rainer, Luise

Rainer, Luise
born Jan. 12, 1910, Vienna, Austria

Austrian film actress.

She grew up in Munich, in Switzerland, and in Vienna and was a distinguished stage actress with Max Reinhardt's company (from 1927) before making films in Europe. Moving to Hollywood, she starred in The Great Ziegfeld (1936) and The Good Earth (1936), winning Academy Awards for both pictures. After a brief career and a stormy marriage to Clifford Odets, she retired to Europe, returning to the screen many years later in Dancer (1988) and The Gambler (1997).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • RAINER, LUISE — (1910 – ), German actress. Born in Dusseldorf, Germany, into a prosperous Jewish family, Rainer began her career in 1928. She later joined Max Reinhardt s company in Vienna, Austria. As part of his company, Rainer became a popular stage actress… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Rainer, Luise — • РА ЙНЕР (Rainer) Луиза (р. 12.1.1910)    нем. и амер. актриса. На сцене с 1928. Работала в Дюссельдорфе и Немецком т ре М. Рейнхардта в Берлине. В кино с 1930 (ф. Да, небо над Веной ). С 1935 снималась в США: Великий Зигфелд (1936, пр. Оскар ) …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

  • Rainer, Luise — (n. 12 ene. 1910, Viena, Austria). Actriz de cine austríaca. Se crió en Munich, Suiza y Viena. En 1927 comenzó a destacarse como actriz de teatro en la compañía de Max Reinhardt y posteriormente participó en películas europeas. Se mudó a… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Luise Rainer — Luise Rainer. Luise Rainer en 1937, con 27 años …   Wikipedia Español

  • Luise Rainer — Infobox actor name = Luise Rainer imagesize = 250px caption = Portrait from September 2, 1937 birthdate = birth date and age|1910|1|12 location = Düsseldorf, Germany yearsactive = 1932 1997 spouse = Clifford Odets (1937 1940) Robert Knittel (1945 …   Wikipedia

  • Rainer — (as used in expressions) Fassbinder Rainer Werner Rainer Luise Rilke Rainer Maria * * * …   Universalium

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  • Luise Rainer — auf einem Portrait vom 2. September 1937 Luise Rainer (* 12. Januar 1910 in Düsseldorf) ist eine deutsche Schauspielerin. Sie war die erste Schauspielerin, die zweimal hintereinander einen Oscar als beste Hauptdarstellerin gewann …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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