Pike, Zebulon Montgomery

Pike, Zebulon Montgomery
born Jan. 5, 1779, Lamberton, N.J., U.S.
died April 27, 1813, York, Ont.

U.S. explorer.

He joined the army at age 15. In 1805 he led an expedition to find the headwaters of the Mississippi River, traveling 2,000 mi (3,200 km) from St. Louis to northern Minnesota, where he erroneously identified Leech Lake as the river's source. In 1806 he was sent to the Southwest to explore the Arkansas and Red rivers. Passing through Colorado, he tried unsuccessfully to climb the 14,110-ft (4,301-m) mountain later named Pikes Peak. His party continued into northern New Mexico (1807); his report on the Santa Fe region encouraged later expansion into the Southwest. In the War of 1812 he was killed in the attack on York (Toronto).

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▪ American explorer

born Jan. 5, 1779, Lamberton, N.J., U.S.
died April 27, 1813, York, Ont.
 U.S. army officer and explorer for whom Pikes Peak in Colorado was named.

      In 1805 Pike, then an army lieutenant, led a 20-man exploring party to the headwaters of the Mississippi River with instructions to discover the river's source, negotiate peace treaties with Indian tribes, and assert the legal claim of the United States to the area. Pike travelled 2,000 miles (3,200 kilometres) by boat and on foot from St. Louis, Mo., to Leech and Sandy lakes, in northern Minnesota. He erroneously identified Leech Lake as the river's source.

      In July 1806 Pike was dispatched to the Southwest to explore the Arkansas and Red rivers and to obtain information about the adjacent Spanish territory. Pike established an outpost near the site of present-day Pueblo, Colo., and then led his party northwest, where they encountered the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. After trying unsuccessfully to scale the mountain peak later named for Pike, the party proceeded southward to northern New Mexico, where they were apprehended by Spanish officials on the charge of illegal entry into New Mexico. They were escorted across Texas to the Spanish–American border at Natchitoches, La., where on July 1, 1807, they were released.

      Pike's report on Santa Fe, with information noting particularly the military weakness of the capital and the lucrativeness of the overland trade with Mexico, stimulated the expansionist movement into Texas. Pike served in the War of 1812, attaining the rank of brigadier general. He was killed in action during the attack on York.

Additional Reading
Eliott Coues (ed.), The Expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike, 3 vol. (1895); W.E. Hollon, The Lost Pathfinder, Zebulon Montgomery Pike (1949).

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