Osservatore Romano, L'

Osservatore Romano, L'
(Italian; "The Roman Observer")

Daily newspaper published in Vatican City, one of the most influential papers in Italy and the de facto voice of the Holy See.

Founded in 1861, it was subsidized by the Vatican from its start and was bought outright in 1890 by Pope Leo XIII. It regularly details the pope's activities and prints the text of papal speeches as the Vatican newspaper of record; it also reports and comments on political developments, stressing editorials and commentary over news and noting the religious and moral implications of events, institutions, and trends.

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▪ Italian newspaper
Italian“The Roman Observer”

      daily newspaper published in Vatican City, one of the most influential papers in Italy and the de facto voice of the Holy See.

      It was founded in Rome in 1861 with the approval of Pope Pius IX and took the name of a defunct Roman journal. The Vatican subsidized it from the time of its founding, and Pope Leo XIII bought it outright in 1890.

      L'Osservatore publishes a regular column, “Nostre informazione” (“Our News”), detailing the pope's (pope) activities and appointments, and it also prints the text of papal speeches as the Vatican newspaper of record. It is as widely and carefully read as are the official newspapers of many governments, for it provides insights into the attitudes of the Vatican on a wide range of subjects. The newspaper also reports and comments on political developments, and in such areas the editor in chief has considerable autonomy. In 1929 the paper was moved to a new plant inside the Vatican to protect it from marauding fascist (fascism) bands. L'Osservatore's candid reporting and editorial criticisms of Benito Mussolini (Mussolini, Benito)'s government enraged the dictator. He threatened to shut it down but never did, and its circulation rose during World War II to more than 350,000, as it was the only Italian paper publishing Allied war reports. After World War II the newspaper began publishing weekly editions in French (1949) and Italian (1950), and other foreign-language editions have been added. L'Osservatore stresses editorials and comment rather than news, following its established policy of noting the religious and moral implications of events, institutions, and trends.

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Universalium. 2010.

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