Monk, Meredith (Jane)

Monk, Meredith (Jane)
born Nov. 20, 1942, Lima, Peru

Peruvian-born U.S. composer and performance artist.

She was raised in Connecticut and New York and attended Sarah Lawrence College. She soon formed her first group, The House (1968), to explore extended vocal techniques (many learned from study of other cultures) in combination with dance, film, theatre, and other elements, in genre-defying works such as Juice (1969). One of the original creators of performance art, she has remained unique and unclassifiable.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Monk, Meredith (Jane) — (n. 20 nov. 1942, Lima, Perú). Compositora y artista performática estadounidense de origen peruano. Criada en Connecticut y Nueva York, estudió en el Sarah Lawrence College. Pronto formó su primer grupo, The House (1968), con el fin de explorar… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Monk, Meredith — ▪ American performance artist in full  Meredith Jane Monk  born Nov. 20, 1942, Lima, Peru       American performance artist, a pioneer in the avant garde, whose work skillfully integrated diverse performance disciplines and media.       Monk… …   Universalium

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  • Meredith Monk — Birth name Meredith Jane Monk Born November 20, 1942 (1942 11 20) (age 69) Origin Lima, Peru Years active 1968 Meredith Jane Monk (born November 2 …   Wikipedia

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