
Dominant civilization on the northern coast of present-day Peru in the 1st8th centuries AD.

The name comes from the great site of Moche in the Moche River valley, which was apparently the capital of the Moche peoples. Their settlements extended along northern Peru's hot, arid coast from the Lambayeque River valley south to the Nepeña River valley. They irrigated extensively, and their agriculture supported many urban centres, which featured stepped pyramids. They were skilled metalworkers and produced sophisticated craft goods, including fine mold-made pottery. The cause of their demise is unknown. See also Andean civilization.

Mask of copper and gold alloy with eyes of shell, found in the Huaca de la Luna, Moche River valley ...

Ferdinand Anton

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ancient South American culture
also called  Mochica 
 civilization present on the northern coast of what is now Peru from the 1st to the 8th century AD and dominant during the Early Intermediate Period (c. 400 BCAD 600). The name is taken from the great site of Moche, in the river valley of the same name, which appears to have been the capital or chief city of the Moche peoples. Their settlements extended along the hot, arid coast of northern Peru from the Lambayeque River valley south for more than 215 miles (350 km) to the Nepeña River valley.

      Until the 1980s the culture's best-known remains were those of Moche itself, near Trujillo in the Moche River valley. Two giant structures, known as the Temple of the Sun (Huaca del Sol) and the Temple of the Moon (Huaca de la Luna), dominate the site, though there is no evidence that they were ever so dedicated. The Temple of the Sun is a causeway and stepped pyramid, about 1,090 by 446 feet (340 by 136 metres) at the base and 135 feet (41 metres) high. A short distance away, the Temple of the Moon is a terraced platform built against a natural hillside and capped with large rooms and courtyards. Over the surrounding ground, for several hundred metres in all directions, are evidences of a dense occupation, indicating that Moche was not only a political and ceremonial centre but also a city.

      In 1987 archaeologists excavated a site called Huaca Rajada, near the village of Sipán in the Lambayeque valley, and uncovered the elaborate, jewelry-filled tomb of a Moche warrior-priest. Several more burial chambers containing the remains of Moche royalty were soon excavated, all dating from about AD 300. In 1997 excavations at Dos Cabezas, a site inhabited from roughly AD 150 to 500, revealed the first of three tombs containing the remains of three Moche elite. Each tomb was adjacent to a small compartment containing a miniature representation of the contents of the tomb, complete with a copper figure representing the dead man. The skeletal remains indicated that each of the men was 8 to 12 inches taller than the average Moche adult male. These finds enriched the understanding of Moche society, religion, and culture. Dozens of other Moche pyramid-platform sites exist in the coastal valleys of northern Peru, most of them looted to some degree.

      The Moche channeled streams flowing down from the Andes into an extensive system of irrigation (irrigation and drainage) canals that were used to grow corn (maize), beans, and other crops. This intensive agriculture supported numerous urban centres. Political authority was fragmented, however, with each river valley or string of valley towns and villages having its own royalty and warrior-priesthood. The Moche produced sophisticated craft goods, including mold-made pottery that is among the finest naturalistic sculpture in pre-Columbian Peru. These vesselsfine-quality water jars with characteristic stirrup spoutsbear portrait heads of individuals, animals, plants, buildings, and fantastic or demonic beings. Painted scenes on some vessels have yielded an understanding of ceremonial and everyday life in the Moche culture, including the sacrifice (human sacrifice) of prisoners-of-war and the ritual consumption of their blood. The Moche also were skilled metalworkers who in their jewelry used chemical means to electroplate gold and silver. Moche architecture featured flat-topped pyramids and platforms connected by ramps and dotted with courtyards and plazas.

      The reasons for the demise of the Moche are unknown, but the civilization may have succumbed to earthquakes, prolonged drought, catastrophic flooding arising from the El Niño climatic anomaly, the encroachment of sand dunes on populated areas, or less-tangible social and cultural factors.

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