Menéndez Pidal, Ramón

Menéndez Pidal, Ramón
born March 13, 1869, La Coruña, Spain
died Nov. 14, 1968, Madrid

Spanish language scholar.

His work on the origins of the Spanish language and his critical editions of literary texts generated a revival of the study of medieval Spanish poetry and chronicles. His writings include Manual of Historical Spanish Grammar (1904), The Cid and His Spain (1929), and The Spaniards in Their History (1947). He was twice president of the Spanish Academy.

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▪ Spanish scholar
born , March 13, 1869, La Coruña, Spain
died Nov. 14, 1968, Madrid

      scholar whose work on the origins of the Spanish language, as well as critical editions of texts, generated a revival of the study of medieval Spanish poetry and chronicles.

      Professor of Romance philology at the University of Madrid (1899–1939), he was also director of the Centre of Historical Studies. Among his first notable works were Manual de gramática histórica española elemental (1904; “Manual of Historical Spanish Grammar”) and the commentary El cantar de mío Cid (1908–11; “The Song of My Cid”). Founding editor in 1914 of the Revista de filología española (“Journal of Spanish Philology”), he was also twice president of the Spanish Academy (1929–39 and 1948–68).

      Menéndez' vast and meticulous research included monographs on folklore, literary history, the stylistics of Theresa of Ávila, Lope de Vega, and others, and on etymology and place-names. Throughout all his works Menéndez Pidal stressed the native roots of Spanish culture, including the Basque, Gothic, and Arabic. Origenes del español (1926; “Origins of Spanish”) was followed by La España del Cid, 2 vol. (1929; The Cid and His Spain). His monumental Historia de España (“History of Spain”), which he began to edit in the 1930s, was incomplete at the time of his death. Its introduction, however, Los españoles en la historia y en la literatura (1947; The Spaniards in Their History: An Analysis of Spain's National Characteristics), is one of his most accessible works for the general reader.

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