McCarthy,Mary Therese — McCarthy, Mary Therese. 1912 1989. American writer noted for her sharp literary criticism and satirical fiction, including the novels The Groves of Academe (1952) and The Group (1963). * * * … Universalium
McCarthy, Mary (Therese) — (21 jun. 1912, Seattle, Wash., EE.UU.– 25 oct. 1989, Nueva York, N.Y.). Novelista y crítica estadounidense. Trabajó en el equipo editorial del Partisan Review desde 1937 a 1948. Empezó a escribir ficción bajo el estímulo de su segundo esposo,… … Enciclopedia Universal
McCarthy, Mary — ▪ American novelist and critic in full Mary Therese McCarthy born June 21, 1912, Seattle, Wash., U.S. died Oct. 25, 1989, New York, N.Y. American critic and novelist whose fiction is noted for its wit and acerbity in analyzing the finer… … Universalium
Mary Therese McCarthy — noun United States satirical novelist and literary critic (1912 1989) • Syn: ↑McCarthy, ↑Mary McCarthy • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author … Useful english dictionary
McCarthy — (una variante de MacCarthy) es un apellido popular en EEUU, el Reino Unido e Irlanda, de donde es originario. Proviene de Carthach un rey irlandés del siglo X de la dinastía Éogonacht. El hijo de Carthach se llamaba Muireadhach mac Carthaigh… … Enciclopedia Universal
McCarthy — /meuh kahr thee/, n. 1. Cormac, /kawr mak, meuhk/, born 1933, U.S. novelist. 2. Joseph R(aymond), 1909 57, U.S. politician. 3. Joseph Vincent, 1887 1978, U.S. baseball manager. 4. Mary (Therese), born 1912, U.S. novelist. * * * (as used in… … Universalium
Mary McCarthy — noun United States satirical novelist and literary critic (1912 1989) • Syn: ↑McCarthy, ↑Mary Therese McCarthy • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author * * * Mary McCarthy … Useful english dictionary
McCarthy — noun 1. United States politician who unscrupulously accused many citizens of being Communists (1908 1957) • Syn: ↑Joseph McCarthy, ↑Joseph Raymond McCarthy • Instance Hypernyms: ↑politician, ↑politico, ↑pol, ↑political leader … Useful english dictionary
Mary — /mair ee/, n. 1. Also called Virgin Mary. the mother of Jesus. 2. the sister of Lazarus and Martha. Luke 10:38 42; John 11:1,2. 3. See Mary, Queen of Scots. 4. (Princess Victoria Mary of Teck) 1867 1953, Queen of England 1910 36 (wife of George… … Universalium
Mary — ► Provincia del SE de Turkmenistán; 86 800 km2 y 815 000 h. Cap., la c. homónima (87 000 h). * * * (as used in expressions) Baylis, Lilian (Mary) Bethune, Mary (Jane) McLeod Mary Jane McLeod Blyton, Enid (Mary) Cartland, Dama (Mary) Barbara… … Enciclopedia Universal