Manley, Michael (Norman)

Manley, Michael (Norman)
born Dec. 10, 1924, St. Andrew, Jam.
died March 6, 1997, Kingston

Jamaican political leader.

Son of a prime minister of Jamaica and a sculptor, Manley was a leader of the People's National Party and the National Worker's Union before becoming prime minister in 1972. His leftist government made significant improvements in housing, education, and health care, but a dramatic rise in oil prices precipitated an economic crisis. Much of the middle class fled the country, unemployment rose to 30%, and violence broke out in the run-up to the 1980 election, in which he was defeated. He was reelected in 1989, this time as a moderate; he stepped down in 1992 for health reasons.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Manley, Michael Norman — ▪ 1998       Jamaican politician (b. Dec. 10, 1924, St. Andrew, Jam. d. March 6, 1997, Kingston, Jam.), was a popular leader nicknamed Joshua for the biblical prophet who served three terms (1972 80 and 1989 92) as prime minister and was a… …   Universalium

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  • Michael Manley — während eines Besuchs in den USA 1977 Michael Norman Manley, ON, OM (* 10. Dezember 1924 im Saint Andrew Parish, Jamaika; † 6. März 1997 in Kingston, Jamaika) war von 1972 bis 1980 und nochmal von 1989 bis 1992 Premierminister Jamaikas. Während… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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