Manin, Daniele

Manin, Daniele
born May 13, 1804, Venice
died Sept. 22, 1857, Paris, France

Italian leader of the Risorgimento in Venice.

A lawyer in the Austrian province of Venitia, Manin became a proponent of home rule and was imprisoned in 1848. He was freed following the rebellion that year and became president of the Venetian republic, reluctantly accepting union with the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia in the name of Italian unification. He led a heroic defense of Venice against an Austrian siege, but he was forced to surrender in 1849. Banished, he lived in Paris the rest of his life, but in 1868 his body was returned to liberated Venice for a state funeral.

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▪ Italian political leader
born May 13, 1804, Venice [Italy]
died Sept. 22, 1857, Paris, Fr.
 leader of the Risorgimento in Venice.

      The son of a converted Jewish lawyer (who had taken his sponsors' historic name at baptism), Manin studied law at Padua, graduating at age 17. Early in his practice, he showed little interest in politics and disapproved of the conspiratorial activities of the Carbonari and other revolutionary groups. But in the late 1840s, Manin underwent a change and joined the patriot Niccolò Tommaseo in giving expression to the discontent of the Venetian people under Austrian rule.

      When Manin presented a petition for home rule to the Congregation, the quasi-representative body of the Austrian province of Venetia, he was imprisoned along with Tommaseo (January 1848). After the rebellions of the following March, however, he was freed and made president of the Venetian republic, in which capacity he reluctantly accepted the project of union with the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia in the name of Italian unification. He led a heroic defense of Venice against an Austrian siege even after the defeat of the Piedmontese army at Novara; when cholera and bombardment finally forced surrender in August 1849, Manin was among those excepted from amnesty and was banished. For the remainder of his life he lived in Paris, where he strove to enlist French sympathy for the Italian cause. In 1868, 11 years after his death, his body was returned to liberated Venice for a state funeral.

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  • Manin, Daniele — Manin, Daniele, Diktator von Venedig, geb. 13. Mai 1804 in Venedig, gest. 22. Sept. 1857 in Paris, Enkel eines Advokaten jüdischer Abkunft, der bei seinem Übertritt zum Christentum 1759 seinen ursprünglichen Namen Fonseca mit dem seines… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Manin, Daniele — (13 may. 1804, Venecia–22 sep. 1857, París, Francia). Líder italiano del Risorgimento en Venecia. Abogado en la provincia austríaca de Venecia, se convirtió en defensor del autogobierno y fue encarcelado en 1848. Fue liberado después de la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • MANIN (D.) — MANIN DANIELE (1804 1857) Patriote italien du Risorgimento, né à Venise d’une famille israélite (Mortara), qui lui donne le nom du dernier doge de la République Sérénissime (1726 1802). Avocat, Daniele Manin prend une part active, jusqu’en 1840,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Manin — Manīn, Daniele, ital. Staatsmann, geb. 13. Mai 1804 zu Venedig, Advokat das., Führer der antiösterr. Partei, 1848 Vorsitzender der Provisorischen Regierung, 13. Aug. bis zum Falle Venedigs (24. Aug. 1849) Diktator, lebte, da nicht amnestiert, als …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Daniele Manin — Manin from the 1875 monument by Luigi Borro in Venice. Daniele Manin (13 May 1804 – 22 September 1857) was an Italian patriot and …   Wikipedia

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